The Young Profashional?

Hi all,

As you may or may not have noticed I have finally decided to change the name of my blog to represent what the blog is about.
When I started this blog, I wasn’t sure where I wanted to take it; do I want to talk business or do I want to talk fashion?

These are my two passions, but they are so far from one another!  I was torn. How can I pursue both in one blog and sum it all up in a title…?

Then out of nowhere yesterday, my boyfriend came over and had a look at what I was working on. I explained my dilemma and out of nowhere he says, “Why don’t you call it profashional?” It…was…PERFECT! It was like something out of an ‘Old El Paso’ taco ad! Even he was shocked that he had just managed to solve my problem in under 30 seconds…. That’s usually my role in the relationship!

So here it is. I hope you enjoy 🙂

Ebay Steal – Sheike Dress

So in Australia we have this wonderful label called Sheike… The issue is that Sheike don’t have a store in Adelaide!

While I love their stuff, I have been too nervous to buy something from the website at full price in case it didn’t fit! (It’s a little bit pricey and I’m quite petite, so I didn’t want to risk it!)

Instead I decided to see what I could find on ebay. This little number only cost me $20 (incl. postage) and now I reeeeeally wish we had a Sheike store in Adelaide! Not a bad fit really and a great length for work. I love the asymmetric neckline and the half peplum!

Sheike Dress



Sheike Dress

Mascara Tip – Keep those old brushes!!








Hi all,

Many of you may already do this, but for those of you that don’t, here’s a handy tip when it comes to mascara…


If you’ve got a mascara that you really like, even if you repeat purchase the same mascara, save the brush from the old bottle and wash it in some soap and water.  I’ve only ever tried this with the silicone brushes, but presumably, you can do it with any kind of brush.

Here are just some of the reasons I recycle my old brushes:

1. When I buy a new mascara, I always find them too wet. I always hold the brush to let it dry for a bit before I apply it to my lashes, otherwise it goes on to thick and it weighs the lashes down. It can also run to the base of the lash. When this happens, you can run the clean brush through the lashes quickly to take away the excess mascara, separate the lashes, and run the mascara back up to the tip of the lash. It always works for me.

2. Sometimes I decide to try a new mascara and I’m horribly disappointed by the brush…  So I will use the old brush in the new mascara. Or, if the brush is too small/big for the opening of the new bottle, I apply the mascara with the new brush and then fix it with the old brush.

3. Even if you have a really good mascara, they make a great eyelash comb. I have even used certain brushes for my eyebrows as they are softer than traditional brushes.

4.  It doesn’t cost anything! I noticed recently that they have started selling these sorts of brushes in the make-up section of some pharmacies. The issue is that there is only one style of brush and they are not cheap when you consider what they are and how many we all throw away!

So give it a try if you haven’t already. Hopefully it works for you 🙂

Federal Budget 2014

Who else tuned into the ABC’s Federal Budget tonight?

I found this pic on which sums up some of the key changes for anyone who didn’t tune in.

What do we all think?

Purely based on my personal circumstances, I can’t say I’m happy about the increased interest on HELP debt! This will definitely set me back a bit in my personal goals, but I guess it should have been expected. It would have been lovely to study under the Whitlam government, but I suppose it’s not sustainable. It will also be very interesting to see the change in university fees  in 2016, when higher education providers are free to set their own fees!

This is just my initial takeout; there’s still plenty to digest…

But for now, I have an Income Tax Law assignment to do!

GHD appreciation post! 7 years and still going strong!

This is just a short post to share my appreciation of the GHD hair styler.

When I started my first job I decided that I was going to invest in 2 things with my first few months pay; an iPod nano and a GHD hairstyler. This would have been back in 2007. I did some research and spoke to my hairdresser about which hairstyler I should purchase and the result was a GHD. It cost me $360 in a pack with some GHD hair products and this amazing travel toiletries bag which I use every time I go away.

Back then, my friends thought I was crazy spending $360 on a hair straightener. That was 7 years ago and my GHD is STILL going strong! I found the bag and receipt in a cupboard recently and was shocked to realise that I’ve had it for 7 years and it hasn’t missed a beat! And just quietly, all of the friends who criticised my decision now either own a GHD or wish they did!

This is a pick of the pack I bought… I was actually surprised to find it. It was their 2007 Summer Travel Pack! The new packs are much prettier! But I LOVE this travel bag!!





Some of you may be thinking I probably don’t use it a lot. I will admit, I haven’t used it as much over the last couple of years (maybe only twice a week) as most days I don’t even have time to do my hair for uni. But more recently I’ve taken to using it nearly everyday because I can’t get away with looking like a scruff at work! Similarly, when I first purchased it, I used it every day without fail so it definitely got a workout! I have not used any other styling tool on my hair in the last 7 years; my GHD does it all.

BUT, having cost me $300 (if we ignore the pack) I was very careful to avoid damage where possibly by, for example, folding the cord as it was originally folded when putting it away and NEVER wrapping it around the straightener itself. So perhaps that’s a tip for prolonging the life of your GHD!

It will no doubt be a very sad day when my GHD dies, but when that day comes, there is no doubt in my mind that I will go and buy a new one!

I would 100% recommend anyone considering buying a GHD to do it! Probably the longest lasting electrical good I’ve ever owned that hasn’t broken or become obsolete!


Sneak peek!

Just a little sneak peek of some of the bargains I got over the weekend!

Dangerfield Coat

Dangerfield Coat: Goodwill – $12


Goodwill - $8.00

Temt Lightweight Parka :  Goodwill – $8.00


Filo Blouse - $2

Filo Blouse: Goodwill – $2.00

The Dangerfield coat is in perfect condition; I mean PERFECT! I tried to look for a pic of the original coat, but couldn’t find one. I did see a similar coat on the Dangerfield website though. Mind you it was $138. In  fact I didn’t see a single coat for under $138 on the website! I only paid $12… Happy Days!

The Temt Parka looks better on and I love the blouse, even though it’s a brand I’ve never heard of.

And that’s only a preview of some of the amazing things I found! I will be sure to share pics of the rest as soon as I get a chance to take some. Apologies for the poor quality photos… I’m new to ‘selfies’!

What to do with those vintage Levis…



I found these Levis’ on two separate occasions when op-shopping recently. One pair was $3 and the other $4.  The blue pair is a vintage mid rise pair… the black are like brand new and have a slightly higher waist; I think they might be seconds. I’ve had them sitting at home for a little while because I can’t decide what I want to do with them and haven’t had time to play around with them…


Black Levis


Blue Levis


So far I’m thinking… Boyfriend jeans? Skinny jeans?  Or shorts?

I’m leaning towards shorts (even though it’s nearly winter!) Partly because it’s easier, partly because I think old school high-waisted shorts look better than modern high waisted shorts and partly because I don’t know if I can pull off boyfriend jeans!

Decisions, decisions…
I’ll put up a pic when I’ve made up my mind and made my alterations!

Why I Can’t Stop Poppin’ Tags!



One of the things I love to do in my spare time is op shop!

Op shopping is something I’ve been doing since I was a kid, except back then it was not a choice; times were tough so more often than not, ‘new’ was not on the cards. Back then, op-shopping was far from trendy, and I suppose for many it still is, but I’m here to convince you otherwise.

I no longer care what others say, I think op shops are fantastic! Not only do you find unique, brand name and vintage items, but they are so cheap that you don’t feel guilty leaving with half the shop and all of your money is going straight to charity! So many of my friends who would never have stepped foot in an op shop before are now addicted after seeing some of the bargains I’ve nabbed over time, and tagging along with me just once! But why did they need convincing?

I think op-shops tend to have a negative stigma attached. A lot of people will buy second-hand items off ebay, but say they would never be seen dead in an op-shop. Two different forms of second-hand shopping, but one is viewed negatively. I find this so curious…

I think that when many people think of op-shops, they imagine dirty, old, well-worn, out of fashion items which have been donated because no person in their right mind would ever want to be seen in public wearing them. But in fact, it is quite the opposite.

Clothing is so cheap and procurable now that people (girls especially…I’m guilty) tend to buy things that they wear several times, once or never! Many girls don’t want to be seen in the same dress twice, but can’t be bothered selling unwanted items. When the closet gets too full, what do they do with it all? They drop it off at the local Salvos or Goodwill. I’m happy to cash in on that; no postage charge and my money is going to a good cause!

Often, retail outlets donate new items too. They donate seconds, excess stock, last sizes, or end of season items which are new with tags, simply to clear space and make way for new stock. Often these items are from top quality brands who only like to hold current season floor stock, and I’ve seen many items from online retailers too.

So when I’m feeling a spree coming on, but I really don’t want to break the bank, I head straight to the nearest Op-Shop.
I think everyone loves to get a bargain so why not get a group of friends together and go op-shopping one day. You might be surprised by what you find!

Stay posted in the coming weeks as I’ll be sharing some of my greatest recent op shop finds! 

Would love to hear about some of your best finds too!